Animantras Chakra Oracle Deck

Chakras... a name not really well known unless you have stumbled upon them on your spiritual journey. It is my belief that chakras hold the key to having a more balanced existence. I felt a pull to chakras when I discovered that they were energy fields. Ever since I was small I have seen this kaleidoscopic web of colors just out of the focus of the sight. You know the kind of sight I speak of, when you don't really look at anything but you SEE. I have been SEEINg ever since a small child, and it has fueled my love of everything colorful and intricate and sparkly! I never really knew they had a name for this until a few years ago, and when I stumbled upon writings about it in my learnings I knew I had known about these beautiful energies all along. 

Thus begun my quest to search for more information. There is a LOT of information on chakras out there. It is completely daunting, I will be honest. I am not a good reader, nor am I a great student - I do not do well with long involved wordy texts. I learn by seeing things, and I just could not get through a lot of this text I found about these beautiful color energies I so badly wanted to learn about. So, being a hands on DIY type of gal,  I did what I always do when I want to teach myself something, I created my own tool to learn with. And so was born, Animantras Chakra Oracle Deck. 


Animals and the other critters that roam, fly, and swim in this planet - hold unique behaviors and personalities that I thought could connect to the unique characteristics of each of the 7 main chakras. So I picked 42 animals, 6 animals per chakra. And that's not all! I made them mantras too, to help you connect to the chakra of your animal. Each animal is assigned a unique mantra based on the animals personality. Animal plus mantra = Animantra. Which is how I came up with the name of the deck. A mantra is a short phrase you can repeat to yourself aloud or in your head to help connect you to a feeling.


This deck was designed to be used by itself, or with other decks. It can be used as meditation tools, or affirmation cards you take with you throughout the day or display in your favorite spot. 


There are no rules, you can use it however you want! It is created for all skill levels and all ages. I have written a companion guide that has facts of each critter along with the description of its energy. 

Animantras will be on Kickstarter January 14th, and you can follow along via the mailing list below to keep up with any updates!